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Announcement: Better Than Sliced Bread Logo Competition

Greetings and welcome again to another issue of Better Than Sliced Bread! We have, yet again, a great issue, filled with great articles from both our regular editorial staff but also from a number of keen new contributors. This feels like an appropriate way to start a new academic year. Now, if I may, I would like to divert your attention to the logo of Better Than Sliced Bread. It's there in the upper left corner of the page.

Now, this logo has proudly served Better Than Sliced Bread for many years. However, all good things must eventually come to an end and thus it feels appropriate that the good old logo be let into retirement gracefully. As we say goodbye to the old logo we are also opening a search for a new logo for Better Than Sliced Bread and nothing feels more appropriate than a good old competition! Therefore, from this point forward Better Than Sliced Bread will be accepting submissions for a new logo from you, our dear readers. To take part in the competition you must only design a logo, find a way to get it on your computer, save it as an image file (the file extensions .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe and .png are accepted) and fire it away at yours truly, patrik.renholm(at)! Please use the subject line "BTSB Logo Competition Submission" to make it easier for me to sort through all the logos. You have until the end of November to send in your submissions. The deadline is wednesday the 30th of November, after which the logos will be put under close scrutiny by a panel of expert judges (i.e. the editorial staff of Better Than Sliced Bread) and voted on. In the unlikely event of there being a draw between two or more logos we will set up an open ballot for our dear readers to take part in. If your logo does get chosen, not only will you gain bragging rights, but a number of complimentary overall patches based on your design AND a gift voucher allowing for a seat at SUB's annual anniversary dinner party next spring for but half the regular price! So, get out your pens and other drawing equipment and get working! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to put a lasting mark on the world's premier webzine of the students of English philology at the University of Helsinki! And now for the necessary statements from our expert lawyers: Only one submission per contestant. In the event of more than one submissions being sent the judges will only consider the last one sent. Better Than Sliced Bread reserves all rights to the use of the winning logo. All logos submitted may appear in Better Than Sliced Bread for purposes of showcasing the different submissions.