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Chief Editor's Note: BTSB Wishes You a Carefree Summer!

The Finnish summer time is intense and short, and thus we’re almost obligated to enjoy it as much as we can. Still some of us don’t feel joy, since something is lacking: a summer job. Are you one of those unfortunate ones who were sent 30 of those “800 people applied, we hired 3, you weren’t one of them” -letters? Not to worry! We, here at BTSB will give you important points about why you shouldn’t worry about joblessness this summer!

  1. You’ve experienced how it feels not to have a job and thus, you don’t need to do it again! Simple as that, just decide you won’t be jobless ever again.
  2. And if and when you have to do it again, you’ll know the basic survival skill...
  3. …bumming beer from your buddies who do have a job! You’ll just need to find a beer garden, order the smallest/cheapest mug of beer and start calling through your friends who have jobs and invite them over. And remember to appeal to the fact that you don’t have a job and it’s making you feel worthless and, well, in need of a drink. But you don’t have the money. But no-no-no, your friend can’t buy you one, that would be just wrong, you know he doesn’t make that much in Linnanmäki! Ok, just this once, but you’ll buy them one as soon as you get a job!
  4. Never Mind The Joblessness, Here’s The Finnish Government! Take a cue from them, don’t worry about the fact that people who have job experience and an academic degree don’t seem to find any jobs from their fields, yet are way too qualified to take cleaning jobs. Or even better, are accused of not wanting to take the cleaning jobs (for which they might’ve still applied).
  5. Are you still worrying about your future? Don’t be! Just graduate your non-existing-working-life-experience ass asap from the university and everything will be alright!
  6. Or maybe you’ll just have that one beer and relax.

With these words of wisdom, we would like to wish you an awesome summer time no matter what! We’re sending you to the summery pastures with an awesome May issue! Check out all the cool articles we’ve put together about gradus, graduation, working life, fellow student papers, zombie flicks, film-maker charities, cat adoption and so forth and so forth!

Oh and to let us know how we did this year, just post a comment here! Is there something you would like us to cover next academic year? Did you have a favorite article this year? We'll see you next fall, which will bring some changes to BTSB (new page layout, new columns, all that awesomeness that makes BTSB what it is -- so much Better Than Sliced Bread!).

Yours truly, Kaisa Leino Editor-in-chief