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Chief Editor's Note

Welcome to the jungle! (I’m sorry, I just had to)

It is time to write my first chief editor’s note and suddenly I've got nothing to say (people who know me know this to be rare). I have thought about writing this for quite some time now; what I would like to promise, the super magnificent awesome good time articles we are going to publish this year, a new logo, more illustrations and so on…

We live in a world of promises. The presidential election is circling around us at the moment and we constantly hear promises from our candidates, commercials are filled with somewhat empty promises, which we buy simultaneously with the product. And we promise things to ourselves: the New Year was the golden opportunity for this. Making promises is sometimes too easy.

But promises are forgettable and they can be broken. Actions however stay and are visible. So instead of making promises, I want to be part of the future works which I know Better Than Sliced Bread is completely capable of making. I see great potential in our group of tremendous editors, and the co-working with BTSB’s another chief editor Patrik has so far been brony awesome.  I also know that there are promising new writers just waiting to be discovered!

So I’m looking forward this year with great expectations and I hope that you, dear reader, are too!

Kaisa Leino

Chief Editor