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The Shepherd’s Reply To The Nymph

Most of us know of the Passionate Shepherd who wrote a heart-breaking love letter to his Love, the Nymph. Well the Nymph eventually replied and basically shot the poor man down. The Shepherd's silence was always taken to be a quiet acceptance of his rejection, but in fact he wrote a reply to the Nymph, albeit which was never published due to copyright infringement. Well BTSB is doing the world a cultural favour by publishing the reply: the latest in the most electrifying romance of the last millennium. Why must you be a pessimist? And all my wile and charm resist? I ask that, with help from above, You'd live with me and be my love.

You know, I don't ask for the world, Just for your hand in my clasp curled. Say "yes!", complete this act of fate And love me! Oh, the sex can wait.

You speak of youth that lasts fore'er, Well I am young! Oh, please don't "er..."! I may have been a shepherd once, But then I started selling guns.

I have a car, a red Ferrari, I've thought of buying a Safari. Your attitude sure is disturbing, A feature of your race, a Nymph-thing?

My clothes are of the finest silk, I only drink pasteurised milk. Your New Age crap of "gold ain't all", Is so passé that I'm appalled.

I ask you now, for the last time, 'Cause I've run out of words that rhyme. Do these delights your mind not move To live with me and be my love? [tags]Marlowe, Raleigh, shepherd, nymph[/tags]