Representations of mental illness open a window into a different world view. A person’s mental illness becomes a sort of shadow life only made public in the “right” spheres.. Mental illness is a topic richly covered in Finnish independent comics.
All in Life
Representations of mental illness open a window into a different world view. A person’s mental illness becomes a sort of shadow life only made public in the “right” spheres.. Mental illness is a topic richly covered in Finnish independent comics.
Hygge is a Danish cultural concept that cannot be fully translated to other languages, but it largely consists of certain feelings of coziness, contentment and togetherness. Anything simple, natural, down to earth and homemade is considered hygge...
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator, commonly referred to as the MBTI, is a personality test and theory that has both achieved enormous success as a way to test people’s personalities and sparked a huge number of varied stances and opinions... ruminating on these kinds of tests may often bring new viewpoints and depth into the way you think about yourself.
Why can we still not bring up a mental illness in a discussion without most participants of the conversation being uncomfortable with the topic? Why can we not tell our bosses that the reason we cannot do more than two shifts a week is that our depression takes up all our energy? Why is it acceptable to talk to anyone about injured legs and heart surgeries but not about our bipolar minds?
Inevitably the time comes when we have to say goodbye, so let's do it in style.