A self-loather's three-step guide to being a little kinder to oneself.
All in Health
With rises in both diagnosed and self-diagnosed mental health and neurological disorders, let’s take a brief look into the wonderland of official, unofficial and personal diagnoses: what they are, what you gain or lose, and most importantly, what exactly is valid here?
My safe place is an old, red house with a big garden. The window frames are white, a striking contrast with the deep, rusty red of the walls. The large front door is open, welcoming all tired wanderers. You might notice the faint smell of a home-cooked meal wafting through the halls and out the door.
So, it’s finally been a year of COVID. We asked SUBers how COVID-19 has affected their general well-being and financial status, and whether or not they felt the university or the government had taken enough action and given enough support for students during this time.
The covid-19 pandemic has been exhausting for us all, but having to take a break from social life has also helped this author to stop for a moment and realize just how hard they’d been on themselves. Be proud of your achievements and learn to appreciate yourself with these tips!
It seems like these days it's all too easy to think wearing yourself thin is normal and acceptable. Here's a brief account on why it's not.
People with misophonia or misokinesia experience negative emotional reactions to sound or visual triggers that most people don’t pay attention to. The awareness of these conditions is extremely limited which is why I want to open up about my own experiences.
Most of us are busy multitaskers nowadays, with at least studies and work constantly overlapping and demanding our attention, and with not much room left for free-time activities such as hobbies, social life, and rest. This article gives you some tips on how to get started on finding that sought-after balance.
Isolation. Quarantine. Social distancing. Here’s some of my thoughts and coping habits through this mess we call a life now.