do you know what it feels like / to dream with such devotion / that it aches? / like a dull pang / paced by the clank / of your hope-clustered heart
All in Poetry
do you know what it feels like / to dream with such devotion / that it aches? / like a dull pang / paced by the clank / of your hope-clustered heart
You may judge tender of me. / Although if to consider the soil, in its bereft state - and poverty - / I could likely see / the judgement you are to make of me.
there are certain stones / that bleed. / no matter how solid, / with enough pressure / they seep their weakness; /because there is a violence / to the harsh winds of curiosity / that refuses derailment, / that latches without touch, / that slices without sight.
Upon that mass that many took to further lands, / Carpe diem! Dawn at the estuary to feel the day rising: / My feet in tempered, soggy, slightly sinking sand left so by / Her big swallows lugging her lips close to her chest.
You swallow the light / A familiar feeling / Envelops you / A perfect stranger / How many times has it been / That you put on the face of / Someone you’re not / Hoping it will be different this time?