My First Poem by Alma Seitsara

My First Poem by Alma Seitsara

(Based on Rick Astley's song Never Gonna Give You Up)

Why, oh why, Rick Astley?
Never gonna give you up.
You never really will, huh?
Always in my mind, at the back of my head,
took a bite out of the forbidden fruit and made something unforgivable.
I like the song, I really do, but oh boy does it haunt me.
Rick Astley, how dare you have such an impact on my life.
I wasn’t even born when the song came out and yet it has found its way into my mind,
slithering into my brain and locking the only way out.
Even threw the key away, didn’t you?
Of course, you did.
I mean, why wouldn’t you?
It’s alright, I’d do the same if I was you.
I get it, I do.
Never gonna give you up?
Please, I’ll hit you with that uno reverse card.
I’ll be the one who’s never gonna give you up.


 Photograph by Mark Fuller

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