Chief Editor's Note: Reflections of Gratitude

Chief Editor's Note: Reflections of Gratitude

My first year as a chief editor comes to a close with this issue. I say first year, because there will be a second one, and perhaps more, but I know for a fact that there will be a second one. Still, a time like this gets me in a reflective mood. I wonder what I’ve accomplished, what I’ve experienced and learned since I started as a chief editor and what there still is to do. And in the midst of that, I wonder what keeps me going.

Reflecting on something so grand is a challenging thing to try. Especially since it is somewhat difficult for me to fully verbalise my thoughts on this, let alone transcribe them. I will try to do so regardless of those feelings, as I feel it is a duty to myself to let out the things I’m thinking of. If not for my current self, then the one I was before this all started. Or at least, the one I was a year ago.

The last year has been an interesting one. A lot has happened in the university, my personal life, and even more in my head. I’ve witnessed and experienced a lot of turmoil, uproar and progress, but also resistance and stubbornness. A lot of conflicting feelings and experiences. It’s been a fascinating world to live in, both in a good and a bad way. It has been a world of change and assimilation.

As a chief editor, I’ve had to both find my way of doing things and adjust to the pre-existing traditions and customs of BTSB. I got introduced to a lot of them as an editor, but there is still a slight internal shift when your title changes. Instead of following along, you must now make decisions and schedules, as well as host meetings instead of just showing up. But at the same time, you’re still a similar part of BTSB as anyone else. My co-chief editor Sara and I have been met as human beings, community members and friends, rather than some higher powers that dictate what others must do or say. And in turn, we’ve done our best to let people be as creative as they please.

At its very core, I think BTSB is about creativity. Even as a regular editor and later a webmaster, I’ve come across humourous texts, beautifully captivating pieces, touching poems and thought-provoking articles, but it still astonishes me how the creative minds flourish in BTSB. Regardless of the themes I’ve suggested, our editors have been on board. I say that as if I had done something exceptionally drastic, which I haven’t, but I enjoy being dramatic so that’s what we’re going with. Anyway. Our editors and their creativity inspire me every single day. It varies who those editors are, and how they join our community, but they are all equally inspiring to me.

Much like any other community, BTSB has gone and will continue to go through stages. It may sometimes feel like fanning a dying flame, but as long as there’s a spark, I’m willing to try. Some people join us out of curiosity, try new things and then never return. And that’s a joy to experience, no matter how fleeting. Others take their first steps in the world of writing with us and end up soaring to new heights with each and every text. Which is magnificent to see. Every person who walks through the door of a cafe or into a meeting room at the library to join us, even for a moment, is a treasure. I’ve met amazing people through this magazine, and I hope you all know that even if I may forget your name and eventually even your face, I cherish the time we had together.

I also cherish the compassion we have for one another. I adore the tired laughs, the frustrated sighs and the silent screaming we’ve come across in my time as a chief editor. And no, I do not adore that because it would give me even the slightest bit of schadenfreude. I adore those as indicators of our humanity, and because our editors being open and vulnerable with each other shows their mutual trust and compassion. When one is struggling, others will always be there for them. When one needs encouragement, others will be there to lift their spirits. Our journeys intertwine, and we learn from one another. We change as the world changes. And that change isn’t always easy.

Especially now, as one academic year has ended and a new one is slowly approaching, it is also time to say some bittersweet goodbyes and tender see-you-laters. As editors of a student magazine, we know that we will all eventually leave this chapter behind. It happens more or less consistently every year, and each time it’s a little different. But every time, regardless of who leaves and who stays, I’m grateful for each and every person I’ve had the absolute privilege to work with. It does not matter how well I may know the ones we part with, I’m eternally delighted to have met them. So, thank you. Thank you for your hard work, your inspiring pieces, and your wonderful personal touches to the lovely mess that is BTSB. Thank you for sharing your creativity and compassion with this community. And thank you, dear readers, for supporting us and letting us provide you with entertainment. But, we’ll also get to introduce new voices to you as the days go by.

Now, before I get too sappy, I’d like to tell you about the wonderful collection of texts we have in store for you this July. Emilia continues her journey across and around Helsinki to find the beauty of small details, and Sara writes a short story in prompts, as she describes the ins and outs of a hotel. Anceliga bids us farewell with a beautiful poem and a reflective text about upcoming adventures, while Veera makes her BTSB debut with a nostalgic poem about the countrside. Finally, Sara marks her final issue as my co-chief editor with a short story told through writing prompts. I want to thank you all once more for your contributions and being part of this wonderful community. May this issue be one more chapter in our story, regardless of where the next chapter takes us.

Onto New Adventures

Onto New Adventures