A Humanist's Search for a Job Part 2

The saga of my job hunt continues and, boy, has this been a long journey (you can read the first part here). You know that feeling when you’ve written an insane amount of applications and they all start to blur together until you have no clue where you’ve sent your papers? I do. However, at least I can refer to this chronicle when my brain function has ceased due to an excessive amount of stress. This is what keeps me alive during this job hunt...

8.3. Application to Kaiku Helsinki and Popmedia

Applied for an internship in communications to both Kaiku Helsinki (no, not the club – a communications agency) and Popmedia.

22.3. – 29.3. Response from Kaiku and Popmedia

Yet another resounding no – from both companies. I think my ability to be disappointed is finally gone.

3. – 4.4. Application to Jevelo and ShopTilt

I applied to a startup called Jevelo to be a marketing intern in the jewelry industry. Aaaand, another marketing and social media internship I applied to was for ShopTilt, which owns, for example, the store Blippo. This internship would be in Hong Kong. See the lengths I’m willing to go to? I didn’t even know what they would pay since the job posting said the pay could be talked about later.

5. – 13.4. Response from ShopTilt and Tilastokeskus

They want me to work for free? So, the internship in Hong Kong would have been amazing – apart from getting no pay (I wouldn’t have applied if I had known), no compensation of any kind, no rent money, nothing. I declined the interview. I also found out that Tilastokeskus declined my application: they hired over 30 applicants from about 500 but I wasn’t one of them.

15.4. Application to Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu

A communications internship for the fall.

An internship at an art school would be perfect for me... Look, I'm artsy!

18.4. – 25.4. Response from Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu

Another employer that bothered to let me know they received the application, which I always appreciate. Later, of course, I found out that this was yet another declined application. By now I’ve gotten so many rejections I’m beginning to lose count.

27.4. Working at My Old Summer Job

I’ll be working on and off at my old summer job while I study and try to find other work. So, dealing with Wordpress websites and translations it is again.

14.5. Application to Gummerus and Drum

I applied for a marketing and communications internship at Gummerus, which would combine my two favorites: communications and publishing. I still feel like my cover letters aren’t up to snuff. It’s frustrating when you can’t figure out how to perfectly express how much you want that particular job. I also applied for a position as an office assistant at Drum (for six months), a communications company.

16.5. Response from Drum

“We’ll get back to you soon.”

17.5. Request for an Interview with Gummerus

FINALLY! I can’t even describe the level of my happiness over this interview. I’d get my foot in the world of publishing and communications, which is a dream come true. So, fingers crossed!

I wasn't even in the country when I found out about the interview - I was in Scotland.

31.5. Interview with Gummerus

The interview went well – despite my nerves which prevented me from eating properly during that morning. Seeing the offices of Gummerus made me want the job even more. What English major wouldn’t want to be surrounded by books all day long? Now, fingers crossed.

As far as the interview goes, I can tell you that I got asked:

  • Who are you? (Your latest hire! …okay, I didn’t say that)
  • Where do you see yourself in five years? (Duh, HERE – in this company!)
  • What did do you your MA thesis about and how did you like the process?
  • Tells us more about your student magazine and Lukufiilis experience.
  • Can you write press releases? (Never have, but I’ll learn fast)
  • Do you have any questions?

I felt like I messed up when I stumbled with my words – not maybe the best impression when applying for a communications job. However, they did send me off with two AMAZING books so that’s a good sign.


I got the internship! So, starting from August, I will be the new marketing and communications intern at Gummerus publishing house and I’ll be reading and writing about books for a living (for four months, at least). I could not be happier. I guess sometimes all it takes is that one interview… I’ll go and sign the contract next week but I think this is the appropriate place to stop journaling. If I had been writing this last year, it wouldn’t have ended with a happy note, which is why I can’t quite comprehend that I got a job in a field I love – I feel so lucky.

Check this out - I scored an internship!

When I started this whole process of recording my job hunt, I had no clue whether it would end with me finding work or not. I was vaguely hopeful, of course, but my past experiences with the job market haven’t been very pleasant. However, as you can see, sometimes one interview is all it takes. You just have to stick it out until then, no matter how hard it gets. And trying to gain other experience meanwhile can only boost your chances: while trying to find a job, I’ve been busy writing for my blog, for BTSB, for Her Campus at Helsinki and I even wrote a review for Kiiltomato. I’ve also finished my Master’s Thesis and done psychology book exams. It’s easy to despair a little when you feel stuck but keeping yourself busy and expanding your horizons can keep you from stagnating. Making the most of everything is the key to moving forward. After all, only you can make your dreams come true!

Sock Puppets? Humor That's Super Cres at Best.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the BTSB Class of 2016