Hello and Welcome

On behalf of the editing staff here at Better Than Sliced Bread, allow me to be the first to thank you for stopping by. This article will give you an introduction to what we’re all about. First, a short history is in order. In the beginning there was a newspaper at the University of Helsinki’s English Department. And the paper was good. But, alas, the paper went to that great recycling plant in the sky. And it was missed.

Enter our three heroes – Simo Ahava, Joonas Pulkkinen, and Joseph McVeigh. Together, they decided to restart that pillar of literature, which had been lost to antiquity. But when they started, they quickly learned that a regular old newspaper would simply not do. They realized, friends, that they could make it better and faster and stronger- they had the technology.

What you see before you right now is the fruit of their labors. Better Than Sliced Bread is not just a paper nor is it just a open forum. It is a place where original ideas can be channeled into concise articles, be they academic, humorous, or just plain informative. It is a place where you can come together with others to discuss what’s on your mind. In short, it is a place where you can tell the world what it needs to hear.

As was stated, originality is at the heart of this publication. We encourage people to be open-minded and energetic. We want to see a place where people can report the issues of the day and the events of their daily lives. If there is something happening, tell us about it. Basically, we encourage people to be themselves. And we believe, as should you, that others want to hear what you have to say.

While originality is at the heart of BTSB, humor is in its soul. Not all the texts in this publication will be serious. I can speak for all the editors here when I say that humor is a theme you will see running through this publication, as it is in our nature.

So, please, take this newly created being and make it your own. Grab it by the horns and lead it. It was made for all of you. So make it the great example of originality that it can become.

Hello and welcome to the future at Better Than Sliced Bread. [tags]better,than,sliced,bread[/tags]

The Shepherd’s Reply To The Nymph

Metsätalo Unicafe