Wipe off those tears, little child
and prepare for an amazing, new life
Even though the days of childhood
and the joyful, careless days of summer
have gone away, disappearing from the sky
like birds before the first frosts of winter
This is not the end, but a glorious new beginning
You must bid farewell to the soothing caress of your mother and with an open heart embrace your new family they might be a band of red overalls and quirky senses of humour but they will look after you and hold your hand in the dark for them no obstacle is too great, no mountain is too high forever they will roam the hallways of Metsätalo to fulfil their promises and help you find what you need
The next years of your life will be happier than you ever imagined if you have the courage to trust, to try, to partake and to dive in head first in the bottomless pond of student activies and great, great fun.