Word of the Week: Astute

Word of the week brings you up close and personal with the noble tongue of English. This tongue will be wiggled in places where only the brave dare venture. astute :: as⋅tute :: (əˈstut, əˈstyut) George W. Bush, the least astute United States President in recent history. A. Characteristic of or designating a political party founded on the belief that one's own ideas are wrong.

B. Similarily, a political or social orientation in which a person believes their own views on issues are wrong. Hence, Astutist: an astute person.

Etymology: From the Latin assitudem, or "thinking with the ass".

First known usage: Translation of Socrates' "Apology" by Lord Boylan (circa 1383): I know that I know nothing. I'm so astute [Laughs]. The world's best known astutist, Socrates, speaking at the Louvre. [tags]word, of, the, week, astute[/tags]

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