All tagged chief editor's note
The world moves along, and so do we. The sun rises anew. And our new chief editors, Robi and Sara, send their regards.
I do not think endings are actually a bad thing. Why do I think so? You can find all about it in my last chief editor’s note.
We all worry about imperfections & the effects they can have on our beauty. But what if our imperfections actually create beauty instead of destroying it? In this Chief Editor’s Note, I share my own thoughts about imperfections & how much more special they make us.
What’s the difference between art and crafts? Is there one? Here are my two cents on the value that we put on things we create.
For the love of literature, read this! Now, I understand that to some this might seem ludicrous, and there might be an impulse to call me crazy, which is fair enough, but I for one am convinced this is on the saner side of statements I have made.
The end of October brings with it the rattling crunch of fallen leaves, those who went out in blazing jewel-colored glory, muted to schlumps and slushing as they dissolve into the ever-growing puddles taking over cobbled stones and muddy paths alike.
How to keep up a team spirit during a pandemic? This editorial won’t give you a definite answer, but it will give you a peek into how BTSB has managed to keep the publication and community alive these past year and a half.
Have you ever, after exasperatedly venting your shit show of a day to your colleague or friend or even family member, received a response that went something along the lines of – “look for the silver lining!” or “It could always be worse, there are people much worse off than you”, or my personal favorite “You need to stop being so negative, think positive for a change!”?