All tagged inspirational

I’ve said the words “no, Finland doesn’t have polar bears” about a dozen hundred times and friends’ birthday parties were actually massive barbeques. We took a car to a school located 300 metres away and our burglar alarm went off almost weekly. I’m a third culture kid, nice to meet you.

Personally, I struggle with performance anxiety a lot, whether I'm presenting an essay to under a dozen of my coursemates or singing and playing music in front of a larger audience. Stage fright may be difficult to overcome completely but, like most successful performers, I believe that we all can learn to cope with it. I wanted to share a couple of tips which have helped me overcome (at least some of) the annoying, distracting nerves and give better performances.

Transitioning into student life hasn’t been all sleek and smooth. It has felt similar to re-learning snowboarding every winter. My sedentary triceps burn and ache from continuously having to push myself back up, I have an impressive array of multicolored and shaped bruises and I can’t sit without howling in pain. Yet I’m beaming because nothing beats the joy of getting down that terrifying hill of ice in one piece.