All tagged loneliness

Walls need friends too  

“Life was quite lonely at first as a wall. Sure, I was accompanied by the specks of dust that hung tightly onto the little mishaps in the paint job, but it wasn't much. They never said anything to me, only focused on tightly holding onto me so that they wouldn't fall down to the floor. I can't quite tell how long I lived like this, nor do I really want to remember it in the first place. You know how awfully lonely being lonely can get, don't you?”

Chief Editors Note: It takes a village

For the previous issue of BTSB I wrote an article which touched on the difficulties of working solo. Since then I’ve had some emotional encounters that really hit home the importance that belonging to a community and feeling like you’re a part of something has for us as humans. Time and time again the same theme seemed to play the leading role in these stories of human fate…