A self-loather's three-step guide to being a little kinder to oneself.
All tagged mental health
With rises in both diagnosed and self-diagnosed mental health and neurological disorders, let’s take a brief look into the wonderland of official, unofficial and personal diagnoses: what they are, what you gain or lose, and most importantly, what exactly is valid here?
My safe place is an old, red house with a big garden. The window frames are white, a striking contrast with the deep, rusty red of the walls. The large front door is open, welcoming all tired wanderers. You might notice the faint smell of a home-cooked meal wafting through the halls and out the door.
It seems like these days it's all too easy to think wearing yourself thin is normal and acceptable. Here's a brief account on why it's not.
Mental health issues have traditionally been a taboo and a no-no in casual conversation. There seems to be a much needed change in the air these days, however.
Now that autumn is slowly creeping forward and evenings grow darker and longer, many of us just want to get into that cosy feeling of relaxing on the sofa with a hot drink and good book. But not everyone. For a significant portion of Finns, the lack of light causes a persistent fatigued and depressive mood called Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Mental health. Yikes. That’s a subject no one wants to discuss in broad daylight. And why? Mostly because it has become a topic in today’s society which is deemed only to be talked about in desperate moments of drunken stupor between faceless individuals.
Representations of mental illness open a window into a different world view. A person’s mental illness becomes a sort of shadow life only made public in the “right” spheres.. Mental illness is a topic richly covered in Finnish independent comics.