All by Kaisa Leino

Fall at the university is wonderful. The beginning of new courses, trees on the Metsätalo courtyard shimmering with coppery colors, and most of all, excited freshmen running around and wreaking havoc. But who are these newcomers and what are they up to? BTSB interviewed four of them.

I am both excited and terrified about the upcoming Suicide Squad film. That inspired me to draw Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy and Huntress coloring pictures in the 80s Barbie comic style (yes, these ideas come to me in visions). So, enjoy!

Recently, I had the pleasure to attend two filmed theatre pieces. One of them was filmed live from London (Rocky Horror, gasp!), but the other was just a recorded showing. When Frankenstein’s monster shouted, “Come on Frankenstein!” and disappeared into the fog, my friends and I started clapping in a relieved frenzy. This instantly aroused some snarky, supposedly-under-their-breath comments from our fellow audience members.