Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love, whether we mean our friends or romantic partners. But what about ourselves? Don’t we deserve some of that love, as well? This issue of BTSB is dedicated to self-care, self-acceptance and self-love!
All tagged chief editor's note
Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love, whether we mean our friends or romantic partners. But what about ourselves? Don’t we deserve some of that love, as well? This issue of BTSB is dedicated to self-care, self-acceptance and self-love!
Alright, jobs. Careers. Adulting. Suit and ties and briefcases, stethoscopes and rulers and corporate management human resources services on the 27th floor…This year has been an absolute shitshow, but it has forced us as a society to categorize between essential and non-essential jobs and workers. The jobs that are necessary for our everyday lives to go on as normal as possible, the jobs that are of utmost worth.
I’ll be honest. I spent a long time being all nervous about what I would write my first chief editor’s note about. Obviously, this is very important, if you believe that a chief editor’s note is what sets the tone for an issue, and…this is the first issue of the semester.
Emotional vulnerability. Is that something I’m even allowed to discuss in a Finnish magazine? Allowed or not, here we go. An important lesson that I think we could all take from 3-year-olds.
Life’s too short to not dream big. A lesson learned unexpectedly from characters rapping about a Founding Father in a smash hit hip-hop musical.
If you are a new freshman here, welcome. If you are one of us oldies, welcome back! Click here for an overview of the new issue, and for my final thought on being the Chief Editor here at BTSB!
For the previous issue of BTSB I wrote an article which touched on the difficulties of working solo. Since then I’ve had some emotional encounters that really hit home the importance that belonging to a community and feeling like you’re a part of something has for us as humans. Time and time again the same theme seemed to play the leading role in these stories of human fate…
Amongst the crowded landscape of ridges tumbling endlessly over each other, it seems that one could hide the grandest of secrets and find the most glorious of adventures. And so I trust my feet and keep on climbing.
The world is a village now; social media connects us to every corner of the world, millennials work in multilingual environments and regularly holiday abroad. There's a huge generational gap when it comes to language.