This One's For The Murderinos!

This One's For The Murderinos!

Bored in the house, and I’m in the house bored… Tired of listening to the same, tired TikTok songs over and over again? I dare to assume you’re not the only one. Well, no worries, here’s some kickass podcast recommendations just for you! These suit especially murderinos but if you have even the slight interest of the macabre, grim, and all true crime, you will enjoy all or some of these and let’s face it, we all have time now. Let’s get right to it! Below you will find three podcast recommendations with little descriptions of each and a special bonus one, which is not really about true crime, but that’s why it’s a bonus, duh!

My Favorite Murder

This podcast was the first true crime podcast I ever listened to, and I got addicted from the get-go and haven’t been able to stop since! hosts are Karen and Georgia who connected at a Halloween party over stories about true crime.  Goals, right? In each episode they both cover a true crime story and usually it’s about a murdered, for example covering the basic guys like Albert Fish and H. H. Holmes, but also telling survivor stories and phenomena like the satanic panic. Plus, they do mini episodes, minisodes, where they tell hometown stories from listeners. I find their way of telling true crime stories unique and fun. Though it is true it might irk some that they do laugh while talking about murder, but they explain themselves very clearly that it’s not towards the crimes, rather it’s a coping mechanism. This appeals to me but if you rather keep it serious, maybe skip this or give it a chance? They are also now owners of their own podcast network called Exactly Right and they’ve written a book called ‘Stay Sexy and Don’t Get Murdered’, which also is their slogan. MFM is my absolute favorite and I want to share it with all of you!


The host of this one, Phoebe Judge, has the softest, most reassuring voice that is probably the most reassuring in the whole world and it is so easy and satisfying to listen to. Also, her name for a true crime podcast host is perfection. This podcast isn’t just about murder, but about all kinds of crimes and as the host is a journalist, she has a compelling way to tell each story. She interviews the people connected to each crime and prefers them to tell their own stories. Their stories are ever-so fascinating, and it is very nice to hear the story straight from the people who experienced it firsthand or are connected to it other ways. The contents of the episodes range from a cop diving into the La Brea Tar Pits to wolfs disappearing in Yellowstone National Park. This podcast is a lighter listen and very versatile. Sidebar time: if you want to hear more of the wonderful voice of Phoebe, she has another podcast called This Is Love and the episodes are feel-good stories to even out all the murder! One of the episodes is a connected to a story in Criminal, it’s actually the one about the wolves in Yellowstone!

Small Town Dicks

This podcast is a new friend of mine (yes, podcasts and podcasters can be your friends) and I’ve enjoyed it immensely. Currently binging this while doing my daily walks! The hosts are your regular true crime enthusiasts, except, you might know the other voice quite well. She’s no other than Yeardley Smith, the voice of Lisa Simpson from The Simpsons! To be honest, I found it weird at first to hear her voice telling these true crime stories as I’ve grown up watching The Simpsons, but I got used to it fast and I think her voice suits the stories well! They tell crime stories from US small town (or towns), yet never revealing what town it really is. Very Simpsonesque. These cases might not be the most famous, but they are really interesting! For protection they also change the names of the persons involved in the cases. The podcast has also two other reoccurring main voices, and they belong to two detectives that are twins, in different departments of the police force in this small town. They give the perfect inside view of the cases from the law enforcement’s perception!  This isn’t too gory but rather it just lays out the facts with compassion and respect.

Bonus track: This Podcast Will Kill You

This is a bonus recommendation and not about true crime, but I think it kind suits the demographic of murderinos. Also, I found this podcast because this belongs to Exactly Right network the network of the lovely ladies from MFM! So, Erin and Erin, the hosts who are disease ecologists and epidemiologist, cover a different infectious disease in each episode. They go over the biology of the disease, the history and epidemiology, and how it has affected our world. The diseases range from influenza to tuberculosis and from hookworms to rabies. At first, I didn’t think I could enjoy stories about diseases or if I could even understand the content of the episodes, but the Erins tell everything so wonderfully simply while using the big medical words and explaining them. They break down how the diseases work in such a manner it is very easy to understand, and it is so fascinating! Sidebar for the curios: they do have a not-so-mini miniseries about Covid-19 called Anatomy of a Pandemic in which they talk about all things concerning the pandemic and if you’ve been wondering or have a general interest about all things concerned this, I recommend to listen to that at least! Also, they will update the miniseries as we go because this situation is still evolving, but still have time to do their regular episodes!

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